Spinor Amplitude Subroutines
for Constructive Diagram Evaluations


SPINAS is a C++ package created for the implementation and numerical computation of phase-space points of constructive amplitudes in particle physics. This package contains a suite of classes and methods for handling particles, propagators, spinor products, and processes. SPINAS is structured to offer straightforward usability while ensuring maximum efficiency. This is achieved through a design that emphasizes the storage and reuse of intermediate results within amplitude calculations for each phase-space point. We include a user guide describing how to use the components, a complete example of how to use SPINAS for a scattering amplitude, a discussion of the design and implementation useful for those wishing to contribute, and a discussion of our validation of this package, including both a validation of individual components of the package and a comparison of a complete set of Standard Model processes with Feynman diagrams.


The latest version is: spinas-v1.0.1.tar.gz


SPINAS: arXiv:2403.07981

Implemented SM Processes: arXiv:2403.07978

GitHub Site

Navigating the complexities of writing, compiling, linking, and running source code can be challenging. While the author aims to provide sufficient documentation for SPINAS, it is not feasible to personally address every support query. To foster a self-sustaining community, users are encouraged to collaboratively use and contribute to several support tools available on our GitHub site. To streamline support and enhance collaboration, please direct inquiries to these platforms instead of the author's personal email. The author will participate in these community efforts as time permits, but the collective expertise and collaboration of the SPINAS community are invaluable.

GitHub Wiki

The SPINAS Wiki serves as a dynamic platform for the community to create and share supplementary documentation, including FAQs, tips, and other resources that extend beyond this article. Contributions from users of all experience levels are highly encouraged. Those interested in contributing can request editing access to enrich the Wiki with valuable information and insights.

GitHub Discussions

The SPINAS Discussions Page provides an informal space for users to initiate and engage in conversations on a wide range of topics related to SPINAS. This forum is ideal for asking and answering questions, seeking and offering help, and sharing experiences. We warmly invite members of the community to not only seek assistance here but to also support others, as even insights from newer users can be highly beneficial.

GitHub Issues

Bugs and feature requests are managed through the SPINAS Issue Tracker. This tool is not only for reporting issues but also a platform where community members can actively contribute by addressing bugs and enhancing the software. Users at all skill levels, including those new to coding or SPINAS, are encouraged to participate, starting with simpler tasks and progressively taking on more complex challenges. More details on contributing to the codebase can be found in the documentation.

Users are advised to utilize the Discussions tool for preliminary discussion of any issues or feature ideas. This preliminary step often helps clarify whether a situation is indeed a bug or if a proposed feature is necessary, potentially resolved through community dialogue.

To increase the likelihood of receiving support and resolving issues, consider the following when reporting a bug:

  • Isolate the problem to the smallest possible code snippet that reproduces the issue. Large code submissions without specific focus are less likely to be addressed by the community. Responsibility lies on the reporter to provide a concise, reproducible example.
  • Ensure your bug report is clear and comprehensive, including sufficient code and a detailed explanation to enable easy replication by others. Vague reports with statements like "It doesn't work" are less likely to receive attention.
Adherence to these guidelines greatly enhances your chances of receiving effective support and responses from the community.